Tag Archive for Heliconia psittacorum

Not Another Ordinary Sunday

On a delicate morning, with the early sun streaming through the garden precariously, the yellow sunbirds,  and sparrows gather to preen themselves amidst the bauhinias, heliconias, honolulu creepers, gingers, peacocks and blue-peas. Yet it is in the midst of this peace and tranquility, that the battle for our hearts and souls continues. As Fr Josef…

The Busy Sunbird on the Heliconia psittacorum

The bright red flowers of the South American Costaceae species Costus woodsonii (Red Button Ginger), competes with the Heliconias in the garden for the Sunbird, with its nectar-feeding beaks, to pollinate its flowers. In their native America homeland, it is the Hummingbirds that does the work.   (Lumix GX85; M.Zuiko 40-150 mm) (Convergence evolution)  …