Tag Archive for Pope John Paul II

Divinity & Mercy

This is a Sunday where the divine and the merciful meet. Consider reflecting on the Last Testament and Will of St Pope John Paul II, first written in 1979, and edited on various anniversaries of spiritual exercises, as his Petrine ministry raced towards the Third Millennium. He recalled the wisdom of his mentor Cardinal Stefan…

The Message of Fatima

​This is a summary of a published article on the Vatican website on the original events at Fatima and how they were documented, archived and revealed to the public. Published on 13 May 2000, on the second millennial anniversary of the apparitions of the same date 83 years ago then, it describes the world events…

Remembering Pope John Paul II

Divine Mercy Sunday 1 May 2011 – Remembering Pope John Paul II There is a photograph by the late Gianni Giansanti (1956-2009) in John Paul II – Portrait of A Pontiff ( White Star Publishers, 1996) of the Holy Father at a working breakfast with Cardinal Stephen Kim of Korea (1). Giansanti wrote, ‘Breakfast comes after…